Paragon Moms

Commercial Campaign

Commercial campaign for Paragon Vision Sciences. I had done some development and showrunnning work for a non-fiction series in Arizona, and the producers called me back to develop and direct a Mother’s Day campaign for their client, Paragon Vision Sciences. Services include concept pitch, writing, creative directing and directing.

I love dreaming up commercial campaigns. It’s where creative storytelling meets epic visuals.

For the Paragon Moms campaign, we needed to craft creative celebrating mothers and their vision. I came up with the idea of a mother and son arriving at a big track meet, with an inspiring twist I can’t reveal here. But, we had a great day shooting track and field action, an army of extras cheering our principals on from the stands, and a surprise ending that’s all about mom’s vision.


Directed by Christian Jean for Ambient Skies and Paragon